Generally speaking, you’ll know that little miss or mister has established a dominant (preferred) hand if you notice that they use a particular hand more frequently and it’s more skilled at doing tasks than the other.
Word to the wise: it’s important to go with the flow of whichever hand your pint-sized person relies on more – no matter whether they’re a rightie or a leftie!
What if my child seems to use both hands equally well?
While some of us are naturally ambidextrous (good at using both hands with a similar level of skill), it’s best to encourage junior to ‘pick’ one hand to primarily use for tasks.
This will help your youngster to develop the strength and dexterity in their chosen hand.
Your child might be having difficulty establishing a dominant (preferred) hand if they:
- Alternate between using one side or the other for tasks such as drawing or using scissors
- Regularly swap hands within an activity
- Appear confused about which hand to use for different tasks