Concept, Vision & Values

PlayBiz’s Concept


  • Is a school readiness guide – a practical online resource that helps parents develop their child’s foundation skills (the super important skills they need for school and beyond) 
  • Explains what foundation skills are, including the different types and why they’re important for childhood development
  • Provides parents with affordable, accessible and easy-to-use strategies (in the form of both written and video content) so they understand how they can develop their little one’s crucial foundation skills
  • Helps support children to develop their foundation skills so they can be school ready, in an engaging and fun way
  • Empowers parents with information, knowledge and a sense of camaraderie
  • Assists parents in identifying any difficulties their little miss or mister may be having with their foundation skills
  • Caters to children with varying needs – from those who need to refine their skills before they start school to children who are having difficulty in some foundation skill areas

PlayBiz’s Vision

PlayBiz’s vision is to strengthen children, families and school communities by providing accessible, affordable and quality content that supports learning opportunities for children in their crucial early foundation years.


PlayBiz’s Values

PlayBiz believes whole-heartedly in:


  • Providing guided development and learning opportunities for kids (via their parents) that will positively impact their schooling and life in general
  • Giving parents a toolbox of simple, practical strategies for their child’s development
  • Sharing knowledge with the recognition that parents, families and caregivers are the best resource for childhood development


  • Giving everyone access to supportive child development content no matter who they are
  • Taking complex concepts and making them easy to understand and easy to use


  • Empowering parents with a clear guide of information, strategies and techniques for developing their youngster’s vital foundation skills
  • Supporting parents in what’s involved in developing their little one’s foundation skills 
  • Being an advocate for kids aged 3–6 years old, who don’t have the ability to speak for themselves, by providing the tools parents may need for their little miss or mister’s development


  • Reassuring parents that “you’re not alone” and “we’re all in this together”, because it’s the truth and sometimes we need to be reminded of it
  • Giving back to the community through charity and a sense of social responsibility – that you start being a good neighbourhood when you decide to be a good neighbour

Authenticity and honesty